"future would never comes if you don't end the past"

21. Just before Xmas. Part 1

Sorry about absenting past few days.
Just before Xmas, just to bring you few figures & news across the retail industry which will effect me and you, the shoppers in the new year 2011.

- VAT (Value Added Tax) increase from 17.5% to 20% from 4th January 2011. (Brace Brace!!! - HW)

- McQ, the diffusion line from Alexander McQueen, is to drop prices of its AW11 Collection upto 30%, to appeal to the younger customers. (Stalk accessories! - HW)
- SuperGroup, group behind the young fashion brand Superdry, is to review its pricing for AW11 by tweaking by items; meaning some will see rises of 10%, some 5% or same. (Ignore xD - HW)
- Chav brand, Boxfresh, is going to increase its prices (5% to 9%) and repositions itself to be more premium, and planning to stock indie brands.
- Next chief executive stated that the retailer was experiencing "significant product cost price pressure", and selling prices would be forced to rise between 5% and 8%. Similar reports been stated from retailers such as H&M and Primark (with stating rise between 10% and 20%)
- US fast-fashion giant Forever 21 opened its first store in Birmingham at November & online store soon after, and news of stepping into Oxford Street are rumoured round to take on "Oxford Circus" bunch.

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