"future would never comes if you don't end the past"

28. Catwalk Classic 1

This was a month and a half after I was born.
September 24, 1992. Jean Paul Gaultier SS93.

Before final run-through, Jean came out with Madonna, while Madonna was in a over-sized jacket which seen wearing in "Express Yourself" - power-dressing themed video, while at the end of runway, took her jacket off, and exposed her harness top all-in-one suit designed for her by Jean.
Media and audience caused chaos.

now. I dare Lady Gaga, which so called the fashion forward or next "Madonna", to do this on catwalk like Alexander McQueen. I DARE HER. if she dont, then dont bother call herself fashionable.

P.S. This only from Harry point of view, does NOT represent WestFASHION team as Harry is ANTI-LADY GAGA.

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